Sunday, February 20, 2011

February Photoshoot

We took some time to get a few more pics of the kids.  Lowell helped out on this one.  I find when we need some good photos of the kids, it takes an army of attention-getters to get the younger ones to look in the right direction.  And as challenging as it seemed, he got some great shots.

 (take note of the last photo, we had some M&M's for a bribe, and Allie just ended up helping herself.  so much for our leverage.)

A few things from Jan and Feb

Andrew was getting more excited about football, and since there is no Utah team we went with Rachel's two favorite teams from growing up in Chicago and living in Pittsburgh. We taught that you become a fan win or lose (da Bears!). But unfortunately we were able to put that to the test this year. It was tough watching the Bears lose, and even worse watching them lose to Green Bay. But it was still fun watching a couple of games. It was fun seeing Andrew get into it. And at least we had the Steelers in the Superbowl to cheer for, but also ultra-sucky to see Green Bay win. We had to play a few scenes from Wipeout to help change the mood. Nothing can make you laugh like seeing people bouncing all over the place on the big balls.

So Andrew had an ear infection, and opted for the liquid medicine over a pill. It really made us laugh to see the dosage a boy of Andrews age needed to take in liquid form. It was like the 2L size. What a laugh. It might be hard to tell it's size from the picture, but if you compare the cutting board in the background, it should give a sense of scale.

"Miss Becky says no throwing snowballs" - Allison (I wonder why Miss Becky told Allison that?)

Our little lady Allison. Going to town on chocolate batter, and lining up animals as Noah would.

"I'm painting cookies mom" - Allison (we found her going to town frosting some Valentines sugar cookies).

Friday, February 4, 2011

Trip to the Mountains

We took a trip up the canyon for some winter time photos.  The mountains are just so cool and it is so fascinating how much snow is up there.  Realizing we were walking on five+ feet of snow was kind of crazy.

Biggest downside was we went up kind of late, so we had just a little bit of time to shoot some photos, but the kids wanted to stay and sled.  Actually I kind of wanted to go sledding to, but it was getting late. 

It's just so cool to get up in the mountains and realize how small we really are.  These particular photos are from Lowell Harris.  I posted some of mine on my photography blog, and the Herssocute blog.  It's nice having two photographers on the scene, because each person sees things a little bit differently.