Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Camping Trip

We went camping.  What more can I say than cozy tents, upstream exploration, hammocks, sneaking cookies, bacon, bacon and bacon, with a side of delish greasy eggs.  We had fun.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Banana Stand 2011!

The Banana Stand 2011 was a party.  Saw some good friends, had some delish bananas, and endured the heat with several prescriptions from the Dr. (Pepper that is).  This is the third year, and despite the long hot hours, it's been great for Andrew.  It's fun watching him take part in it all.  Ooh, and plus we added one killer new T-shirt.

We added "The Killer Bee" to the menu.  It is a chocolate banana with honey and cayenne pepper.  Most were afraid of the spice factor,
but it was not long before Andrew felt he had to try it, to promote it as a manager.  and he did.  He liked it.  
And here is the coolest T-shirt ever!  "Bite me, I'm delicious!"

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Congratulations Andrea and Sean!!

Congratulations Andrea and Sean!  It was great being part of your day.  We loved it, the kids loved it, we had a blast.  Sorry we didn't wear more purple, with the exception of Allie, we don't have a lot of purple around the house.  But it was in our hearts, so please accept our purple heart.  We are all very excited for the both of you!
I let Andrew take a camera for a while and he got a lot of great shots (for example, the pic of the temple above).
 It was kind of fun watching what he thought was picture worthy.  

Here is an example of Andrews photography.  For whatever reason he got a shot of each chandelier he came across.
 Oh, there are a lot more images, I just posted a few.

Party at the Kids Table!!

He would be getting in trouble right now, but you have a lot of leverage when the activity was started by adults (thanks Rachel).
I'm pretty sure that was apple juice.