Kids and their vampire teeth, the most simple thing, yet they see it as an amazing privilege.

Getting the day off to a good start by watching Ghostbusters. And then acting out the ghosts.
Had some fune with "flap-jack-o-lanterns". Dee-lish, well after they were coated in butter and sugar. Gave the donuts a run for their money.

Played a little "Plants Vs. Zombies" which I thought was aptly appropriate for the day.

Time for pumpkin carving! Take note, I had the kids draw how they wanted thier pumpkins, and then I carved it that way. Andrews was a unique challenge, but I think I got close to his original vision. Plus, it was cool how the light was coming in the window, and lit up the pumpkin.

And of course, I had to carve one for myself.
NOW ON TO TRICKS OR TREATS!! (bring on the loot!!)

Emma was a lovely vampire (fortunately from no influence by current selling books. Ask her who her favorite vampire is, and she will most likely say Ultra Violet).
Anrew was a terrible ghost. Rather pleased how that one came out.
And Allie was basically whatever we could get her to agree to allow us to put on her.
I like this one because you can see Allie booking it as fast as possible to the candy. I think she started to get the picture of what Halloween was all about.

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