No worries, there should be another bus in the next 15, 20… okay 30 minutes. But as I sat in the violent wind and freezing rain, I thought to myself is it worth it? Is the pride worth it? I mean my only shelter is this thin plexi-glass shelter that works more as a wind tunnel than a shelter and the wind was particularly violent, I was like in a mosh pit with Mother Nature, it literally would push my around. I mean, it was strictly pride that stood between me; and the warm, muggy but comparatively cozy bus. As I thought about me freezing in the rain, and me turkey sprinting towards the leaving bus I realized, the pride is totally worth it. No way am I gong to be that guy.
So with pinked ears, runny nose, and numb fingers and toes, I waited. It seemed like a long time, but another bus eventually showed up. I was able to get on the bus, with my pride nicely tucked away, intact in my leather messenger bag, ready to get to my car. Well at least until I had exchange several salutations with several guys I knew from work.

1 comment:
Oh man. This made me laugh out loud so much! Mosh pit with mother nature? Exchanging salutations with the guys from work? And best of all..turkey sprinting? That is so da(etc) funny and now part of my permanent vocabulary. Turkey sprinting. What a wor(l)d.
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