I thought it would be fun to have one of those contests to see how many people we can fit in one room at once... oh wait, this is any social event we have.
Look, more people we could have crammed into the kitchen!
Presents! Luckily Annie, Allie's cousin, is teaching her the process.
Yay! more presents!
And just one more, I think Allie is getting the hang of it.
Mmmm... cake! Allie had a sense that the pink things must taste good! (M&Ms)
Time to sing happy birthday. You know it seems you give a kid a video camera, and with it comes the Hollywood attitude. The "no climbing or standing on furniture" rule is heavily enforced, but once the camera was in Andrew's hands it didn't seem those rules applied anymore. Whatever it takes to get the shot.
Allie - "Why are all these people staring at me and fluctuating their voices in strange ways. Can we just go back to the good ol' high pitched goochi goos?"
"Mmmm ... My cake!"
"Whooa what is the brown stuff!"
"It's brown and sticky and won't come off my hands. This seems all too familiar"
As it would turn out, Allie was not that big on eating the cake. I don't think she liked it sticking to her hands, and being messy. Oh well, she will have plenty of time to grow attached to cake. Once we started talking to her she got a bit happier, but did not really eat any more.
Cheesecake! (Get it?)

To end the birthday, there was a Peanuts-esque dance. All we needed was Molly dancing on her hind legs with her nose up in the air and arms flapping about.
1 comment:
Happy 1st Birthday, Allie! You are so cute! I love the cake--I might have to copy it someday! Hope you're all doing well!
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