Quick snapshot of Andrew. I like this one because of the size comparison between Andrew and the trees.
This was a cool little meadow that had a whole bunch of small trees. Purrrdy!
I took this picture in comparison to a picture I took the last time we went around the loop. It is a bit more yellow now.
I liked this one because of the contrast of yellow to green. That is one of the downsides to taking fall leaves pictures in Utah compared to Ohio, you have a million evergreen trees to avoid to get the cozy fall-time feeling.
A picture of Emma.
I liked the contrast between yellow and white.
Andrew just had to get his camera out as well.
Had a hard time getting Andrew to stop for one second to take a portrait, but this one turned out okay.
More yellow, kind of wish there were some red and orange trees.
Here we have a rare shot of me. I don't show up in many pictures because I am usually the one with the camera, and as you can see here, I still am the one with the camera, Rachel just happened to have here camera with her. And no, that ovalesque green shape is not Humpty Dumpty, it is indeed me. Nothing like having someone taking your picture to motivate you to do a little exercise.
More Andrew and his camera.
And a decent portrait of Emma.
So the trip turned out to be a real fun day. We drove up Provo Canyon, and came out American Fork Canyon. We had a light breakfast, and the drive went past lunch time so we were starving by the time we came out of the canyon. Luckily Thanksgiving Point came to our rescue with their delish cheeseburgers and tasty fries. I can only imagine the scene we made to the other patrons of Thanksgiving Point would be as if they were watching a commercial for Hungry Hungry Hippos. But it was nice way to cap off a fun fall day.
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