Thursday, October 25, 2007

Andrew's Big 7 Year Birthday Bash

Only a few days after Allie's Birthday it was Andrew's turn to have a birthday (the 20th). Andrew has now finally reached the age where he anticipates the excitement. After being asleep for a couple of hours the night before his birthday, he woke up asking if it was morning yet. He continued to do this several times hoping each time he woke up it would be his birthday. Even with little sleep the kid was up at 7:00 to start the day.

We asked Andrew what he wanted for his birthday breakfast, and he wanted donuts and coco, and then added to the request cinnamon and sugar Monkey pull-apart bread. We might as well get the sugar rush started early.

A cute picture of Emma. It seemed every time I turned around she had more and more donuts on her plate. I think she figured as long as they were on her plate she was okay to consume as many as she wanted.

Then onto lunch. The Harris crew (Andrew's cousins) and the Smith crew were over for lunch. Remember that contest I wanted to have cramming as many people as possible in one room?

Typical Andrew reaction to the camera...

...but with the help of his Uncle Scott we were able to get a picture of the Birthday boy.

Cake time! This was a pumpkin bar cake with cream cheese frosting. (Notice the Autobot symbol)

How many people can you count blowing out candles? Hmmmm.

Now onto the presents! Emma gave Andrew a Mecha-Gigan figure (from the Godzilla universe), and this was his kind reaction.

Why do we even take pictures of kids unwrapping presents, they all look the same. I guess it's kind of festive.

Then on to round 2! During the evening we had the Deming side relatives over for Diner along with a couple of neighborhood kids (Mikey and Jenny). Awhile back Rachel made Manicotti and Andrew couldn't stop talking about how much he loved it, and how he wanted it for his birthday. So that was diner. And a classic chocolate cake for his birthday cake. (Notice the Decepticon symbol)

Like the genius I am, I made the symbol out of sprinkled on powder sugar. This would be all fine and dandy if the cake was being cut and served in pieces as prepared desserts, but when you have a kid blowing out candles you get a mild sugar storm to deal with.

It was a long day, a lot of work, but it was a lot of fun. It was good seeing family friends and the such. We asked Andrew on a couple of different occasions what his favorite part was, and his responses were "the whole day" or "everything", so I think Andrew enjoyed it as well. Thanks again to all the friends and family that were able to visit and help out.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Happy 7th Birthday, Andrew! Sounds like the day was a hit!